It’s been a while since we posted about graduation; largely down to 2023 turning out to be such a busy year!
On Saturday 9th December we held our final graduation of 2023, in conjunction with the Leeds East AEGIS Martial Arts & Leadership Academy. Almost 100 students were successful in moving one step closer to the goal of earning an AEGIS Black Belt, ranging from around 20 students earning their first belt, to a handful of students earning their final Brown belt before they are invited to test for 1st Degree Black Belt.
For an instructor, graduations days are some of the most important days of the year. From a practical and professional perspective, it’s a perfect chance to assess students from various academies, and ensure we are holding ourselves to the highest standards of teaching.
Emotionally, it’s so exciting to know that next time we hold regular classes back at the academy, many of our students will be training in new belts for the first time, each of them inching ever closer towards the coveted rank of Black Belt.
But really, the best part of any graduation is seeing students truly believe in themselves and recognise their own progress and achievements. No matter adult or child, there is a clear look of pride and self-belief on everyone’s faces when they take their old belts off and put their new belts on.
We look forward to seeing everyone continue their martial arts journey in 2024!